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​Our Services


Treetops has a fun and colourful approach to the typical day project. We like to keep our days interesting by offering a whole array of activities.

A day at Treetops usually begins between 9am-10am when you arrive ready for your morning drink. From then on your day will be full of activities handpicked to suit your likes and needs. We plan activities using a person centred approach and document service user’s time at Treetops in their own folders. We like to encourage our project members to go out in the community so throughout the day groups will go off on different adventures.


Around mid-day we have lunchtime. Service users can bring their own lunch or are able to go out with a member of staff to purchase something. Once lunch time is over the afternoon activities begin, always offering something different to what you have been doing during the morning session.


Towards the end of the day we start our relaxation time where everyone gathers at their tables to feedback with support workers about their day whilst enjoying an afternoon drink and listening to some relaxing music. We find that this settles everyone down ready for their transport home.


Here at Treetops we love any excuse for a party, service users will always be thrown a birthday party with a present and a cake. We also like to celebrate holidays and events such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, and Pancake Day.

Treetops is open Monday - Friday between 10am – 4pm and service users are able to choose which days they wish to attend. We are closed on all Bank Holiday’s.


For a more in depth description of the activities and days we can offer please contact us on 07818406266 

Treetops Day Project

19 St Agnes Road



CM12 9UR


01268 653547



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