Treetops Animals
Here you will be able to meet all of Treetops' Animals.
In total we have 7 Rabbits.
There names are Jim, Tilly, Jingles, Molly, Dolly, Rosie & Pip.
Jim is known as the baby
Molly, Dolly & Jingles are also Brothers and Sisters and are all known as the kids as they're naughty! We also call them the dinosaurs!
Tilly, Jim, Pip & Rosie all now live together and have a special bond together.
In total we have 3 Pygmy Goats.
Barry, Teddy & Buddy.
Meet our animals below.

Hi My name is Dolly and I was born 28.06.2019 which makes me 2 years old. People tell me and Molly apart because my left foot is black. A fun fact about me is whenever someone gives me rabbit popcorn I am the first there to eat it!

Hi My name is Molly and I was born 28.06.2019 which makes me 2 years old. I live with my brothers and sisters. A fun fact about is that people can tell if I'm Molly as they just look at my feet. My right foot is white!

Hi my name is Jingles and I was born on the same day as my brothers and sisters which makes us QUADRUPLETS!! I am 2 years old. A fun fact about me is I have the biggest ears out of all my brothers and sisters and I always jump on top of the cage and I chew the wood!

Hi my name is Rosie and I am a girl. I live with Tilly and Jim, I was both born on 12.02.2022. I am the shy one. I like my own space and like to lay down in the sun.

Hi My name is Tilly and I was born 08.11.2017 which makes me 4 years old. I live happily with Jim, Pip, Rosie. I am very shy and like to be by myself. I have crazy hair that needs to be brushed often! A fun fact about me is I always put myself to bed in the evenings. I will run straight into my cage

Hi my name is Pip and I am 3 years old. I used to live in a house with my nephew Louie but we now live outdoors at Treetops. I am very shy as I scared myself when I was little by running into a tv unit and I hurt my eye. It is all better now but it has made me very wary.

Hi My name is Buddy and I was born on 28.12.2018 and live with Teddy and Barry. I am nearly 4 years old. A fun fact about me is I am the shy one out of all of us but I like to do bunny jumps in the air when I'm happy.

Hi My name is Teddy and I was born on 30.10.2019 and live with Buddy and Barry. I am nearly 3 years old. A fun fact about me is before the fence was fixed and made taller I was able to jump the fence to get into the garden. I also am the greediest! I am the cheeky one out of all of us.